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The Future of Jenkins in 2024

· 10 min read
Yaser Bayad
Student Odisee => Opleiding Bachelor Elektronica-ICT

Bron: artikel integraal overgenomen van
Origineel auteur: Gilad David Maayan

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As software development practices evolve, the tools that support them must also adapt to stay relevant. Jenkins, the venerable automation server used by many DevOps teams, is at such a crossroads as it faces the changing landscape of cloud-native applications and Kubernetes adoption.

This article examines Jenkins’ current utility, particularly its features that have made it a staple in CI/CD practices, and addresses the question of whether it will maintain its relevance in 2024 and beyond.

How Jenkins is Used by DevOps Teams CI and CD

Jenkins has become an integral part of many DevOps teams due to its CI/CD capabilities. Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository. Continuous delivery (CD) is the practice of delivering the software in short cycles to ensure that it can be reliably released at any time.

Jenkins supports the CI/CD approach in a number of ways. First, it allows developers to automate code integration. This means that whenever code changes are pushed to the repository, Jenkins can automatically build and test the project. Second, Jenkins allows for the continuous delivery of software by automating simple deployment processes (although it lacks full deployment orchestration capabilities).

Build Pipeline Visualization

Another key feature of Jenkins is its build pipeline visualization. This feature allows DevOps teams to visually represent the process of software delivery from code integration to deployment. The pipeline visualization provides a clear and intuitive representation of the software delivery process, making it easier for teams to understand and manage the process.

Build pipeline visualization in Jenkins is customizable, allowing teams to tailor it to their specific needs. For example, it can be customized to show the status of each stage of the delivery process, from code integration to testing to deployment. This allows teams to quickly identify any issues or bottlenecks in the process and address them.

Automated Testing

GAutomated testing is another area where Jenkins shines. With Jenkins, DevOps teams can automate the process of testing their code by running scripts and integrating with automated testing tools as part of the build process.

Jenkins supports a wide range of testing frameworks and tools, allowing teams to choose the ones that best fit their needs. Moreover, Jenkins can be configured to automatically run tests whenever changes are made to the code. This ensures that any issues or defects in the code are detected early and can be addressed promptly.

Workflow Scripting

Workflow scripting is another key feature of Jenkins in DevOps teams. With Jenkins, teams can script their workflows, automating the process of software delivery. This allows teams to standardize their workflows, ensuring that each delivery process is consistent and predictable.

Jenkins supports the Groovy scripting language for workflow scripting. This means that teams can use the power and flexibility of Groovy to script their workflows. Moreover, Jenkins provides a user-friendly interface for scripting workflows, making the process easy even for those who are not familiar with Groovy.

Current Usage and Adoption Statistics

As of 2023, Jenkins remains a leader in the CI/CD space. With its extensive plugin architecture and large user base, it is used by thousands of organizations worldwide. According to the 2022 DevOps Survey by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Jenkins was used by over 50% of respondents for automation and CI/CD, maintaining a significant presence in the market.

According to the Jenkins website, there are over 1 million active Jenkins users and more than 200,000 active installations worldwide, with the platform handling 1 million+ jobs per day. It had about 44% of the global market share for CI/CD in 2023.

The growth trajectory of Jenkins, however, has shown signs of plateauing when compared to newer, more cloud-native-focused CI/CD tools. This observation is backed by Google Trends data, reflecting a steady but not sharply increasing interest in Jenkins over recent years.

Despite facing competition from emerging tools designed for cloud-native development, such as GitHub Actions, GitLab CI and CircleCI, Jenkins has responded by evolving its ecosystem. The creation of Jenkins X is a strategic move to cater to Kubernetes users and address some of the criticisms related to cloud-native development. However, as we’ll discuss, Jenkins X has not been readily adopted by the industry as of yet.

Limitations of Jenkins in Cloud-Native Environments

While Jenkins is a powerful tool for DevOps teams, it has serious limitations in cloud-native environments. These limitations stem from the fact that Jenkins was originally designed for traditional, monolithic applications, not for the dynamic and distributed nature of cloud-native applications.


One of the critical limitations of Jenkins in cloud-native environments is its inherent statefulness. Cloud-native architectures typically favor stateless applications, which are easier to scale and manage in dynamic environments like Kubernetes.

Jenkins, however, relies on maintaining state—it stores configuration, build history and user data, making it challenging to scale and manage efficiently in a cloud-native setup. This statefulness requires persistent storage, which complicates deployments in distributed systems where resiliency and horizontal scaling are key. Moreover, the risk of data loss or inconsistency increases in cloud-native environments, particularly during scaling operations or when recovering from failures.

Configuration Complexity

Jenkins is often criticized for its complex configuration requirements. Setting up Jenkins in a cloud environment involves intricate configurations that are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. This complexity is exacerbated when integrating with modern cloud-native tools and services, requiring extensive customization and maintenance of plugins.

In addition, Jenkins’ traditional master-slave architecture was not designed for dynamic cloud environments, where resources need to be provisioned and deprovisioned rapidly. This leads to a significant operational overhead for DevOps teams.

Immutable Infrastructure

Adopting an immutable infrastructure approach is a cornerstone of cloud-native environments, promoting the idea of replacing or rebuilding servers rather than modifying them.

However, Jenkins’ traditional model does not align well with this principle. It typically requires modifications to its runtime environment for updates or changes, contrasting with the cloud-native approach of immutable deployments. This can make it challenging to maintain consistency and reliability in cloud-native systems where automation and minimal manual intervention are paramount.

Microservices Limitations

Jenkins was originally designed for monolithic architectures and doesn’t naturally fit into microservice-based applications, which are prevalent in cloud-native environments. In microservices architectures, applications are broken down into smaller, independently deployable services.

Jenkins, however, tends to treat applications as monolithic units, making it less efficient for handling multiple, independent microservices. This limitation affects its ability to provide fine-grained control over individual services’ build, test and deployment processes. Consequently, Jenkins may struggle with the high degree of automation, flexibility and scalability required in microservices environments.

What is Jenkins X?

Jenkins X is an open source project that provides pipeline automation, built-in GitOps, and preview environments to help teams collaborate and accelerate their software delivery at any scale. It is an improved version of the original project, designed specifically for Kubernetes, a popular container orchestration platform.

Jenkins X streamlines the technical aspects of building, testing, and deploying software. It automates the installation of popular tools like Helm and Draft, making it easier for developers to get started. It also provides pre-configured pipelines so teams can start delivering software right out of the box.

Jenkins X also introduces a new Jenkinsfile format, Jenkinsfile.yaml, which provides a more straightforward and human-readable way to describe pipelines. This new format, combined with the automation provided by Jenkins X, helps reduce the complexity of pipeline configuration and management in Kubernetes.

Limitations and Criticisms

Jenkins X has not been widely adopted by the software industry and has not achieved the respect and prominence of its predecessor, Jenkins. Let’s review the main limitations and criticisms of the tool.

Lack of Maturity

Jenkins X’s relatively recent entry into the market means it has not had the time to mature like its predecessor. This lack of maturity can manifest in several ways, including fewer features compared to established tools, fewer community-tested plugins, and potentially more bugs or unresolved issues. Due to the fast-paced evolution of cloud-native technologies, tools need time to adapt and stabilize; Jenkins X is still in this phase of its lifecycle.

Moreover, a mature tool typically has extensive documentation and a large community of users who can offer support and share best practices. While Jenkins X has seen growth in its user base, it still lags behind more mature CI/CD solutions in these areas. This can lead to challenges when teams are looking to solve complex problems or when they require advanced support.

Limited to Git Projects

Another criticism of Jenkins X is that it’s limited to Git projects. While Git is the most popular version control system, it’s not the only one. Some teams may use other systems like Mercurial or SVN, and these teams would be unable to use Jenkins X.

Even within the world of Git, Jenkins X has limitations. For example, it doesn’t support all Git hosting platforms. While it works with popular platforms like GitHub and Bitbucket, it doesn’t support others like GitLab. This can be a significant limitation for teams that use unsupported platforms.

Community Support

Finally, there are concerns about community support for Jenkins X. While the project is open source and theoretically has the potential for wide community involvement, some critics argue that it’s primary source of support is CloudBees, the company behind Jenkins.

These critics worry that if CloudBees were to withdraw its support, the project could falter. They also argue that the project’s focus on certain tools and platforms (like Kubernetes and Git) reflects CloudBees’ business interests more than the needs of the broader DevOps community.


In conclusion, Jenkins’ role in the CI/CD landscape has been pivotal, and its continued evolution with projects like Jenkins X demonstrates an effort to adapt to the needs of modern, cloud-native environments. While Jenkins X has yet to reach the widespread adoption and maturity of its predecessor, its specialized focus on Kubernetes and GitOps reflects the shifting priorities in software development.

Jenkins, despite showing signs of plateauing in growth, still possesses a strong user base and an established presence in the market, supported by a vast plugin ecosystem and a robust community. Its limitations in cloud-native contexts—such as managing statefulness, configuration complexity, and supporting immutable infrastructure—pose challenges that Jenkins X seeks to address.

As we approach 2024, the relevance of Jenkins will likely hinge on its ability to integrate more seamlessly with cloud-native technologies and the willingness of the community to evolve its ecosystem. The breadth of its adoption and the depth of its integration in existing development pipelines mean Jenkins will continue to be a significant player in the DevOps toolchain. However, its long-term relevance will depend on the project’s ability to innovate and remain adaptable in a landscape that is rapidly embracing cloud-native solutions.